The Know Your Farmer/ Processor, Know Your Food Compass

"Eating healthy” is a vague term. Nutrition advice can often be confusing and sometimes even conflicting. Wouldn’t it be convenient to have an easy scoring system to quickly assess how beneficial a food is for our health?

#yourcommunity #yourhealth

Do you know where your food comes from? Does it matter?

Well, it does if you care about your health, the quality and taste of your food, and how your choices impact the planet. Understanding how and where the food you buy was grown and raised is more important now than ever before.

As humans, we can be a little particular about how we do things. It’s good to have people you trust providing you with the things you need. Food is one of those things you need. Your farmer and food processor is the person who grows and cares for the food you eat; he/she is also the person you can talk to about it. Passionate and sincere producers know what went into your food, they’ll have the answers to questions a grocery store or a even brand can't. 

And of all if there’s one thing you should be able to ask questions about, it’s the food you eat.

An Ethical Reason: Exchanging money for a good or service is akin to voting for it. Every purchase you make is a vote cast. This means every purchase is a chance to vote for what you value. When you know your farmer and food producer, you know how your food is grown, made and where it comes from. It’s an opportunity to support and promote what you deem important, from organic to sustainable to humane to community-oriented to educational. When you know your maker, you know what’s important to them and you can vote for the food producers who live your values.

The Human Reason: Farmers. Farming is tough. It’s physically demanding, livelihood is dependent upon the weather (which is never as predictable as Doppler wants you to believe), and it’s not particularly lucrative. But it’s essential. So get to know your farmer and food maker and say thanks.

The truth is industrialized, high-intensity agriculture simply is not sustainable. To raise a successful crop growing season after the growing season, high-intensity field farmers must apply endless amounts of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and water to their fields each year apart from the hybrid n GM seeds.. 


You and your family will have a better understanding of how your produce was grown, how the meat was raised, and how the food was harvested and processed. It reinforces mindful eating and improves your relationship with food by turning it into an experience rather than a mindless distraction.


Pre-packaged, processed food often comes with a bunch of extras you may not want to put into your body or feed to your family. You probably already know that shelf-stable food is often full of preservatives, sodium, sugar, and unhealthy trans fats.

But did you know that even the conventional produce at your local grocery store has likely been treated with various chemicals to make it look better, last longer, or prevent sprouting? Apart from the chemicals that were used in the growing process.

Buying locally grown, consciously processed, seasonal, and preparing it from scratch gives you control over what you’re putting in your body. It’s the ultimate definition of clean n healthy eating.

And of all if there’s one thing you should be able to ask questions about, it’s the food you eat.

Be informed of the food you eat.. how it is cultivated, from where it comes and how it is processed.. even these are a part of your health journal which you need to track.. 

Am I right.. 

MJ 🤗 
