Indian Seasonal Produce- April


According to the Indian seasonal crop rotation, we are officially entering the Rabi season from April to May/ June. Rabi harvest are crops that are sown in winter and harvested in the spring/ summer season in India.

As April and May swell up the heat, lets consume local and seasonal produce to maintain and regulate the body functions at the right pace. As in the last seasonal post on March month produces, we saw that spring season sprouts new leaves and the leaves spring forth till May/ June. Not only do they sprout, the buds become flowers, while most germinate into fruits and vegetables. This season is known for the abundance of indigenous variety of fruits and edible flowers as well.

Here is the list of Fruits, Veggies, Grains and Sea foods in season this April that give us the maximum health benefits needed to help us tackle all of them if cooked in a correct way. (Note: Read the list and know your local produces and consume them)

Here’s the list to buy and eat sustainably this month.

Jackfruit, Alampur Baneshan mango, Mankurad mango, Paheri mango, Baby mango (vadu maanga), Cashew apple, Rose apple/ Paneer naval/ Safed Jamb (White Jamun), Gunda/ Lasoda/ Lesua, Nimboli (Neem fruit), Jungle jalebi/ Koduka puli/ Kikar, Cannonball fruit, Cape gooseberry, Anjili chakka/ Ayini pazham, Noni, Phalsa, Tender coconut, Dates fruit, Date plums, Karwand (Indian blueberry), Anab e shahi grapes, Almond, Kokum, Loquat, Star fruit, Mangosteen,  Muskmelon, Nungu/ Tadgola (Ice apple/ Palm fruit), Star gooseberry, Tamarind, Watermelon, Hisalu, Ber (Indian Jujube/ Plum), Galgal (Hill lemon), Sugarcane, Shahtoot (Mulberries), Elephant apple/ Chalta, Langsah/Lotka (Langsat), Phalsa (Indian Sherbet Berries), Aloo Bukhara (Indian plum), Kafal (Bayberry), Dadim, Kilmode, Ghingaru.

Other common Fruits- Pomegranate, Papaya, Banana, Guava, Apple, Pineapple, Mosambi (Sweetlime), Narangi (Orange), Amla.

Cucumber, Malabar/ Madras cucumber, Cow peas, Bohar, Lady’s finger, Brinjal, Capsicum, Potato, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Ridge gourd, Ivy gourd (Tindora/ Kovakkaai), Cluster beans, Drumstick, Poona kheera, Hmong cucumber/ khaakri, Palmyra sprout (Panang kil(zh)angu), Yam,
Cow peas/ long beans, Turkey berry, Tinda (pinju poosani), Raw banana, Banana stem/ Plaintain pith, Chayote/ Chow chow, Snake gourd, Katahal (Raw/ Baby jackfruit)

Other common Vegetables- Ash gourd, Carrot, Colocasia/ Taro, Sweet potato, Cabbage, Beetroot, Tapioca/ Cassava, Broad beans, Flat beans, Normal Beans, Goa bean/ chowdhari/ Siragu avvarai/ Winged beans, Cauliflower, Raddish, Naval kol (nool khol/ turnip). 

Food grains: Jowar, Barley (Jau), Moong dal, Masoor (Red lentil), Matki (Moth beans), Tuvar (Pigeon Peas), Wheat (includes sharbati, lokhwan, bansi, samba/ khapli), Maize, Ragi, Little millet, Barnyard millet, Foxtail millet, Proso millet, Kaaramani/ Lobia (Black eyed beans), Urad dal,

Pulses, Legumes, Seeds- Bhatma (soya bean), Chole (kabuli channa), Chow dhari (Goa bean) Vaal (Fava beans), dried Green peas, Moth beans, Rajma, Kala vatana (black peas), Groundnut, Sesame.

Green leafy vegetables: Agathi leaves, Moringa leaves, Purslane (kulfa/ ghol/ luni saag), Dhekia xak, Methi, Spring onions, Bathuwa (Chakwat/ Parupu keerai), Tamarind leaves, Bichu buti, Bhringraj (karisalankanni), Neem flowers, Mango flowers.

Common greens: Amaranthus varieties, Spinach varieties, Haak, Indian brahmi, Anne soppu, Chakramarda Saag, Gongura

Herbs and spices: Black pepper, Tamarind, Vanilla, Dill seeds, Mustard seeds, Cumin seeds, Fennel seeds, Green chilli, Fenugreek, Ajwain seeds.


"Nourish your body as Nature intended- Eat seasonally" - MJ 


Note: I have studied the Indian seasonal produces with the help of farmers network and various research articles following the guidelines of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) based on the cropping seasons – Kharif, Zaid and Rabi. Thereby, I’ve curated the fruits & vegetables, food grains and rest mentioned that would be available to us based on the sowing- growing and harvesting time period calculated for each month covering every Indian region to the maximum.

Kinds of seafood were studied and curated based on its availability along the West Coast and East coast from CIBA (Central Institute of Brackish Aquaculture) and

I hope this information is helpful to consume local and seasonal produces thereby keeping a check on health too.

Kindly let me know your thoughts if this benefits you all through comments below.

Do share if deemed useful. 


Thank You!

Maria Jenita, PhD











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