Indian Seasonal Foods Rich In 'ZINC'



Zinc is an essential mineral we need. Ideally, zinc rich foods should be consumed every day, because we cannot store it in our bodies.

Zinc is required for:

• protein and DNA synthesis
• normal growth and development
• enzyme function
• immune system function
• good reproductive health in males
• wound healing
• our taste and smelling senses

How To Absorb The Maximum Amount Of Zinc From Diet:

Despite zinc being present in minute trace amounts in all of the foods, few foods are focused while considering zinc rich.

Curd/ fermented foods




Red meat




Nungu/ Ice apple/ Tadgola

Bael/ Wood apple

Cashew apple


Mustard oil, Sesame oil, Coconut oil 

Poppy seed


Pumpkin seeds

Cashew nut

Sesame seeds


Spinach, Moringa leaves, Amaranth, Beet greens, Agathi/ Agasthi greens 

Lady's finger/ Okra

Green peas

Brown rice

Khapli/ Samba/ Emmer wheat 

Little millet



Kidney beans

Lobia/ Black eye peas


However, the grains and legumes contain phytates, which reduce the absorption of zinc. Hence, processing methods like sprouting, soaking or fermenting can help improve its bioavailability.

Like iron, our bodies absorb zinc more easily from meat than from plant sources.

The zinc in non veg foods is more bioavailable, meaning our body can more readily absorb and use it due to animal proteins improving zinc absorption. In contrast, plants contain substances which reduce zinc absorption a little – phytates, found in wholegrain, legumes, and cereals – and oxalates, found in leafy vegetables – reduce our ability to absorb zinc from food.

To ensure maximum absorption of zinc from, pairing zinc-rich food with protein increases the chances of absorption.

"Nourish your body as Nature intended- Eat seasonally" - MJ

Note: The food listed are carefully studied from accredited research articles and Indian crop cycle.  

The micronutrient content differs for location, climatic conditions, growing conditions, but the said foods hold a good amount of Recommended Dietary Allowance or RDA of the mineral. 


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