Why to consume seasonal fishes


The ocean is a great recycler. It takes sewage and recycles it into nutrients, it scrubs toxins out of the water and it produces food and turns carbon dioxide into food and oxygen. But to provide these services, the ocean needs all of its working parts—the millions of plant and animal species that inhabit the sea. 

As we wipe out one species of fish, we move on to another and this has been the continuing trend in recent decades, today 90% of the worlds large fish are now gone. The impacts of species loss go beyond declines in seafood, human health risks also emerge as depleted coastal ecosystems become vulnerable to invasive species, disease outbreaks and noxious algal blooms. From an issue of science journal, the researchers conclude that the loss of marine biodiversity worldwide is profoundly reducing the ocean's ability to produce seafood, resist diseases, filter pollutants and rebound from stresses, such as climate change and overfishing.

One of the major reasons being depletion of sea creatures due to varied consumption of sea foods. Hence, looking into the seasonal sea foods and consuming it in the right pattern is one of the ways to populate and nurture the ocean living. 

Some of the more relished varieties are caught frequently, even before they can breed, leading to a concerning dip in their numbers. To prevent species of fish from being wiped out, as consumers let’s know on what to eat in which season.

With a chart form, marked in green and red, the calendar precisely describes the breeding cycles of fish species, so the consumer can make an informed choice. It encourages “sparing the fish during their breeding season and early stages of life.”

So, what are the varieties that should be scraped off the season?

For example, if you’re living on the west coast of India, Mackerel needs to be left alone from the months of June to September, while Squid, Tiger Prawns, Silver Pomfret, Kingfish and Barramundi are good to go.

However, for those living on the East coast of the country, Silver Pomfret, Whiting, Indian Halibut come under the ‘avoid’ zone, and gives a go-ahead to eating Mackerel, Barracuda and Indian White Prawn.

Now, fish lovers might not exactly be thinking about the health benefits while consuming it, but it’s important to be responsible eaters.

Eat seasonal, be sustainable and  stay active! 

Kinds of seafood were studied and curated based on its availability along the West Coast and East coast from CIBA (Central Institute of Brackish Aquaculture) and knowyourfishes.org.in. 
I hope this information is helpful to consume local and seasonal produces thereby keeping a check on health too. 
Kindly let me know your thoughts if this benefits you all through comments below. 

Thank You! 
Maria Jenita, PhD

