Adaptogens – the plants that can help us handle stress


With so many buzzwords floating around the holistic world, one of which is Adaptogens claiming to reduce our stress levels, naturally. Stress is one of the biggest modern health issues having such a negative impact on so many people’s lives, and so it is no surprise that these plant-based wonders are hitting the pharma industries so hard in the realm of wellness. 

Let's take a look at our natural Adaptogens.. 

In short they are Stressed Out Plants for Stressed Out People

Interestingly, adaptogens are mostly plants that have adapted to growing in very stressful conditions, which is what makes them so powerful. They give their strength and adaptability to us.

Adaptogens aid our bodies from reacting to or recovering from both short- and long-term physical or mental stress. 

Some also boost immunity and overall well-being. Research also shows adaptogens can combat fatigue, enhance mental performance, ease depression and anxiety, and help you thrive rather than just muddle through. They apparently, manage to balance us out, whether the stress is chemical, physical or biological, the adaptogen will work towards our natural state of homeostasis.

Adaptogenic foods can help regulate many kinds of stressors, plus they adapt both to the stressor, and also to the person taking them. If our body and mind have a biological boost, like adaptogens, then we will be less likely to get sick.

Adaptogens are getting a lot of attention these days for several reasons;

1. People are trying more and more to turn to natural foods instead of pharmaceuticals for healing.

2.  They are quite useful for dealing with stress.

So how do these adaptogens work? 

When we face a stressor, whether physical or mental, our bodies go through what’s called general adaptation syndrome (GAS). GAS is a three-stage response: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. Adaptogens help us stay in the resistance phase longer, via a stimulating effect that holds off the exhaustion. Instead of crashing in the midst of a stressful moment, task, or event, we attain equilibrium and can soldier on.

An adaptogen will work on our adrenal glands and therefore naturally affect our hormonal system in a positive way promoting our body to learn how to manage stressors. 

So, when the such plants interact with the adrenal system by adjusting the production of hormones to suit the levels of stress being experienced. Your body then manages to function as it should both mentally and physically without allowing the stress to affect our system. 

Unfortunately, to date, there is little scientific research or proof to back up the particulars behind the efficacy of adaptogens but there is plenty of support out there behind the concept.

Common Indian Adaptogens:

·        Tulsi

·        Brahmi

·        Amla

·        Moringa 

·        Turmeric

·        Fresh Tea leaves/ curls

·        Ashwagandha

·        Licorice/ Mulethi/ Adhimudharam

·        Cassava/ Tapioca

·        Traditional rice varieties

Also, it is important to source adaptogens grown in indigenous locations (where they grow naturally), and to source them organically and sustainably grown when possible.

If you source adaptogens outside of their indigenous location, then you might not be getting the same inherent quality that you would get otherwise.

So include these local superfoods in your diet in a proper way and reap the benefits. 

Post courtesy: against the chinese ginseng that's being promoted for its adaptogenic property in Indian market claiming many health benefits. 


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